Senin, 15 Desember 2014




DESCRIPTION: Basic Competency: To comprehend the social functions, the structure of texts, and the language elements in labels and lists of things in accordance with the contexts.
Objective: You will learn about the social function and the structure of making a shopping list and doing shopping. In the end of the lesson, you are expected to be able to make a shopping list in detail.


Key Points

In our daily life, we go to a traditional market, a supermarket, a shopping mall, or any other shops to do shopping. To make it easier for us to do shopping, we need to have a shopping list. Now, we are talking about a shopping list we need to buy some fruits, vegetables, food and drink. We are learning how to ask about the price, quantity using quantifiers, and names of the food and drink.
3. Composing a conversation when doing shopping.
Read the conversation below:
Mrs. Wijaya is going to a market. She is talking to Mrs. Kusuma who sells rice and coffee in the market.
Look at Mrs. Wijaya’s shopping list while reading the conversation.

Shopping List
A kilo of rice
A plastic of chicken
Two packs of coffee V

Three cartons of milk V
Two kilos of potatoes
A cabbage
Half a kilo of carrots
A bunch of bananas

Mrs. Kusuma : Good morning. Can I help you?
Mrs. Wijaya : I want milk, please. How much is a carton of milk?
Mrs. Kusuma: It is Rp. 10.000,00 a carton. How many cartons of milk do you want?
Mrs. Wijaya : Three cartons of milk, please. I need coffee too. How much is a pack of coffee?
Mrs. Kusuma: It is Rp. 5.000,00. How many packs of coffee do you want?
Mrs. Wijaya : Two packs, please.
Mrs. Kusuma: Here you are.
Mrs. Wijaya : Thank you. Here is the money, Rp. 40.000,00.
Mrs. Kusuma: Thank you.
Mrs. Wijaya : You are welcome.
Mrs. Wijaya is going to other shops to buy other things she needs.

From the conversation, we can see some expressions we need when doing shopping:
Can I help you?
I want …, please.
I need …, please.
How much is ….? (to ask the price).
How many …? (to ask the quantity).
Here is the …
Thank you
You are welcome




DESCRIPTION: Understanding the social function and language features of songs to learn the words, feelings and rhymes in songs, according to the contexts. The objective of the lesson: students are able to understand the words, feelings and rhymes of songs.


Key Points

We like listening to music in our free time. We can learn English from English songs. In this lesson, we learn words, feelings and rhymes in songs.
Here are some points to learn:
1. Words in songs.
What does “a certain word” mean?
Songs are similar to poems. There are beautiful words in songs and poems. Some of the words are new for us. To help us understand the songs, we need to know the meanings of the difficult words. Looking up the dictionary will certainly help us know the meanings of the words and enrich our vocabulary.

2. Synonyms and antonyms.
Singing and reading the lyrics of songs will help up enrich vocabulary by trying to find the synonym and antonym of the difficult words. We have to check the words in the dictionary and make notes.

3. Rhymes of the songs.
Learning the rhymes of the songs will help us learning how to pronounce the words. Pronunciation is an important aspect to learn when we learn a language. If we miss pronounce words, other will not understand what we are saying.

4. The feelings of the singer.
Songs and the lyrics show how the singers feel. Songs can suggest happiness, sadness, ignorance, care, hopes, love, friendship, and others.

5. How to understand a complete song.
Read the lyrics of this song:
I Believe I Can Fly
I used to think that I could not go on
And life was nothing but an awful song
But now I know the meaning of true love
I’m leaning on the everlasting arms

If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it

I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away

I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

See I was on the verge of breaking down
Sometimes silence can seem so loud
There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of me

Sung by R.Kelly, taken from
From the song, we can learn:
• Meanings of words.
We can find some words that we don’t understand by looking up a dictionary.
For example:
Soar : in the dictionary, we find the meaning: to fly, especially very high up in the sky, floating in air currents.
• Same rhymes.
For example:
Fly /flaI/ - sky /skaI/
Down /daun/ - loud /laud/
• Synonyms
Find the synonyms or the similar meanings to help us enrich our vocabulary.
For example:
Awful - terrible
Silence - quietness
• Antonyms
Find the antonyms to help us enrich our vocabulary.
For example:
Open - closed
True - false
• The feeling of the singer
If we read the complete lyrics, we will see the singer’s feeling.
The first line of the first verse, the singer used to feel that he could not go on. But, the third line of the same verse, the singer now understands true love. He believes he can do what he wants to do as long as he believes it.
The singer is grateful that now he is optimist in living his life.




Understanding the social function and language features of songs to learn the words, feelings and rhymes in songs, according to the contexts. The Objective: students are able to understand the words, feelings and rhymes to help them understanding the meanings of songs.


Key Points

Music and songs are everywhere. We listen to our favourite songs, and we sometimes sing them. We can learn about life through music and songs. To be able to learn something from songs, we have to know the meanings of the words that are written explicitly in the lyrics and the meanings of the songs that are not explicitly written in the lyrics about the moral teaching that we can apply in our daily life.
To be able to understand the meanings of songs, learn some points here:
1. We have to know the meanings of the words in the lyrics.
Learning the meanings of the words in the lyrics while singing the song is fun. If we find difficult words, we can check the words in the dictionary. We can make notes and memorize the new or difficult words and memorize them.

2. We have to read the complete lyrics.
Knowing the meanings of the words in the lyrics is not enough to know the meanings of the songs. Thus, we have to read the complete lyrics to know what the song is about.

3. We have to know the purpose of a song.
The purpose of a song is about the reason(s) why the singer sings the song and the moral teaching we can learn from the song. Some songs teach us to be more confident. Some songs teach us to have a hope and not to give up live our life. To help us understand the purpose of a song, there are some points we have to know:
• Who sings the song?
It is not about the name of the singer, but more on the position of the singer in the song. Is a mother, a father, a friend, a student, a son, a daughter, or anyone else?
• Who is the song for?
Is the song for a mother, a father, a friend, a son, a daughter, or anyone else?

4. We have to know the tone of the songs.
The tone here refers to the general feeling or attitude expressed in a song.
The tones can be positive: happy, hopeful, confident, optimistic, loving, care, etc. And, the tones can be negative: angry, disappointed, desperate, pessimistic, ignorant, etc.

5. We can meditate on the song and discover what we can learn from it.
For example: we can learn from a song that we have to be optimistic in our life although we face many troubles.
Read the lyrics below and learn what the meaning of the song is.
Mother, How Are You Today?

Mother, how are you today?
Here is a note from your daughter.
With me everything is OK.
Mother, how are you today?

Mother, don’t worry, I’m fine.
Promise to see you this summer.
This time there will be no delay.
Mother, how are you today?

Sung by Maywood,taken from When English Rings the Bell
After reading the lyrics above, and looking up difficult or new words in the dictionary, we can think about the purpose, tone and the teaching in the song.
1. The purpose:
The singer is a daughter. We can see it from the first verse, second line:”Here is a note from your daughter”.
The listener is a mother. We can see it from the title and the first sentences of each verse: “Mother, how are you today?”
“Mother, don’t worry, I’m fine.
2. The tone:
The singer (daughter) asks her mother’s condition. She promises to her mother that she will visit her mother. It shows us that the daughter loves and cares about her mother.
3. The moral teaching we learn from the song.
The song teaches us to love and care about our mother. Our mother will be happy if we love and care about her.

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3 CAPS LOCK Lampu menyala jadi huruf besar/tidak menyala jadi huruf kecil
4 ALT & CTRL Membantu mengoperasikan/menjalankan perintah program
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10 PAGE DOWN Menggulung layar monitor ke bawah seukuran tampilan pd monitor
11 END Memindahkan kursor ke akhir baris/halaman/lembar kerja
12 FUNGSI F1-F2 Memanggil menu/menjalankan perintah yang sudah di program
13 BACK SPACE Menghapus 1 karakter di sebelah kiri kursor